Chapter 2: Flashcards

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the fraction of the administered dose that is available to the systemic circulation
the volume of serum, plasma, or blood that has all of the drug removed per unit of time by the eliminating organ. Total body clearance is the sum of the clearances of all the eliminating organs
how much drug will be given how often when multiple doses of drug will be given (e.g., 10 mg every day)
the fraction of drug removed in a given time
drugs that have a large fraction of the active drug metabolized in the liver as it passes through the liver before reaching the systemic circulation
time it takes for one half of the drug to be removed from the body
a drug that has to be converted into an active form by the body, usually by an enzyme
the point in therapy when the amount of drug administered exactly replaces the amount of drug removed. Steady state is never technically achieved, but for clinical purposes 5 t½s (97% of steady state) is considered to be at steady state
a statistical range of desirable drug concentrations, for which the majority of patients show effective therapeutic response with minimal drug-related side effects
where the drug distributes in the body