Chapter 5: Flashcards

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a drug that helps to reduce the tendency of the brain to have a seizure. Although their primary use is for epilepsy, anticonvulsants are also used to treat psychiatric disorders, pain syndromes, and migraines
a sensory experience that precedes a neurologic event, such as a migraine or seizure During an aura, the patient may see, smell, or hear something unusual, or have a strange feeling, such as déjà vu (the feeling that one has been in a new place previously). In the case of seizures, the aura is actually a simple partial seizure
a neurological event caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures come in many types. Some cause a patient to fall and thrash about on the floor, and others cause a loss of awareness without falling
a strong, unexpected, often painful muscle contraction
an involuntary, fast musculoskeletal movement. Tremors can be due to neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, excessive intake of stimulants, such as caffeine, or may be a harmless genetic condition, such as essential tremor. Tremors may affect the hands, chin, and other parts of the body