Chapter 32: Flashcards

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a common, chronic, inflammatory skin disorder of the pilosebaceous unit (hair follicle and surrounding sebaceous glands)
substance that constricts skin tissue to decrease inflammation, relieve itching, and dry up secretions
a common bacterial infection of the skin that occurs after skin trauma or abrasion and is characterized by a nonelevated, red, hot, and painful area of the skin with possible swelling
primary acne lesion, thought to be formed by the plugging of the pilosebaceous unit
an acute or chronic inflammatory, erythematous (red in color) rash, which may be caused by skin contact with an allergen or irritant
substance that softens or soothes the skin by slowing the evaporation of water
inflammation of hair follicles
a contagious bacterial infection that occurs most commonly on the face of children and is characterized by pus-filled blisters that burst to form a thick yellow crust
chronic inflammatory skin disorder most commonly characterized by red lesions, or plaques, with silvery-white scales
common fungal infections of the skin that occur mostly on areas of the skin that are moist and poorly ventilated, such as the feet or groin