Chapter 3a: Flashcards

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Adrenal medulla
endocrine gland situated on top of each kidney, which produces and releases epinephrine (also known as adrenaline) to stimulate functions of the SANS [Toggle]
related to the actions of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline); sometimes used to designate actions and responses to the sympathetic autonomic nervous system [Toggle]
Afferent neuron
neuron carrying nerve impulses to the CNS (brain and spinal cord) from the periphery (other parts of the body) [Toggle]
Autonomic nervous system
system of nerves that controls automatic bodily actions such as the functions of glandular tissues, the heart and smooth muscle, and involuntary movements and body functions (including secretions, pulse, and blood pressure) [Toggle]
elongated protrusion of the neuron that conducts impulses away from the cell [Toggle]
hormones produced in the adrenal gland, such as epinephrine and norepinephrine that exert their effect in the SANS and agents that are chemically similar to these hormones [Toggle]
related to the actions of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Cholinergic effects include slowed heart rate, increased secretion, and increased activity of the gastrointestinal tract [Toggle]
Effector organ
cells or tissues that perform their functions in response to a stimulus (such as a nerve impulse); sometimes called target organs. Those receiving stimulation from the nervous system are designated by the term neuroeffector [Toggle]