Chapter 3c: Flashcards

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endogenous chemical compounds that relay, amplify, and/or modulate signal transmission between two neurons or between neurons and other cells [Toggle]
pertaining to autonomic functions mainly governing to the body at rest, including glandular secretions, tone and contractility of smooth muscle, and slowing the heart rate [Toggle]
the process of production and release of chemical compounds from a tissue (gland). The secreted product has a function as opposed to an excreted waste [Toggle]
pertaining to autonomic functions related to stress situations, often called the fight or flight response. This includes suppressing glandular secretions, reducing tone and contractility of smooth muscle, and increasing the heart rate [Toggle]
space between the axon terminal of a neuron and the dendrite body of another neuron leading to a functional connection between them. This space is also designated the synaptic cleft [Toggle]
rapid heart rate that exceeds 100 beats per minute in adults [Toggle]
state of tension of tissues or organs in the body [Toggle]