Chapter 4a: Flashcards

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Action potential
a series of electrical and chemical impulses that travel along the neuron in order to activate other neurons [Toggle]
behavioral pattern characterized as lack of control over and compulsive use of drugs despite negative consequences from use [Toggle]
pain relief [Toggle]
a condition during which a patient forms no new memories, is inconscious, cannot move, and does not respond to pain [Toggle]
Blood-brain barrier (BBB)
specialized cells in the blood vessels of the meninges, which keep foreign materials (microorganisms, medications, etc.) from entering the brain [Toggle]
organ at the center of the central nervous system [Toggle]
Central nervous system (CNS)
composed of the brain and spinal cord; relays and interprets motor and sensory information as well as higher order functions such as memory and reasoning [Toggle]
General anesthetics
medications, administered by inhalation or intravenously, which produce anesthesia [Toggle]