Chapter 9b: Flashcards

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lower than normal levels of circulating glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream [Toggle]
Hypoglycemic medications
agents that cause reductions in circulating blood glucose [Toggle]
Insulin resistance
decrease in the ability of cells to react to circulating insulin [Toggle]
Metabolic syndrome
Group of disorders characterized primarily by abdominal obesity accompanied by dyslipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. Patients with this disorder are at high risk for cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction and stroke [Toggle]
Type 1 diabetes
disease resulting from the cessation of insulin production, thought to be caused by the destruction of the pancreatic beta cells by a process in which the patient’s own immune system reacts against them [Toggle]
Type 2 diabetes
form of diabetes in which patients generally still produce some insulin, but it is insufficient to regulate their blood sugar levels, either because they are producing smaller amounts, or because their cells have developed an insensitivity to this hormone (or even a combination of reduced production and reduced sensitivity) [Toggle]