Chapter 18: Flashcards

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chronic lung disease that results from inflammation of the lower airways, characterized by difficulty breathing [toggle]
constriction of the smooth muscle surrounding the airways in the lungs resulting in a narrowing of the airways, wheezing, and shortness of breath [toggle]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
chronic lung disease that results in irreversible damage to the lung tissue [toggle]
Control/prevention medication
medications that are taken on a regular schedule to control a disease or prevent its effects, even when symptoms are absent [toggle]
Environmental trigger
an environmental factor such as pollen, animal dander, pollution, or tobacco that stimulates a reaction [toggle]
increase in severity [toggle]
Hypersensitivity reaction
an undesirable effect of the body’s immune system to an antigen [toggle]
Quick-relief/rescue medications
medications that relax the muscles surrounding the airways within minutes when administered during an episode of bronchoconstriction [toggle]
a continuous whistling sound made by constricted airways [toggle]