Chapter 22: Flashcards

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abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This is a common complication of cirrhosis [toggle]
chronic liver disease that is a result of longstanding or repeated damage to the liver. Scar tissue replaces tissue resulting in many complications related to loss of normal liver function. Cirrhosis is often referred to as end stage liver disease [toggle]
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE)
dysfunction of the brain and nervous system that occurs in patients with cirrhosis. This disorder is thought to be due to the presence of waste products in the blood stream, such as ammonia, that are normally detoxified by the liver [toggle]
hepatitis means inflammation of the liver and may be caused by a variety of diseases, toxins, and drugs. Hepatitis may by acute or chronic and patients may exhibit symptoms, such as abdominal pain, jaundice, or nausea. Hepatitis may also be severe enough to require hospitalization [toggle]
yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, and mucous membranes that occurs in patients with hepatitis or cirrhosis. This is due to accumulation of a substance called bilirubin that is normally detoxified by the liver [toggle]
the inability to absorb nutrients from the GI tract. This is often seen in patients with chronic pancreatitis who lose the ability to digest orally ingested food (maldigestion) due to a lack of pancreatic enzymes [toggle]
inflammation of the pancreas due to toxins, drugs, trauma, structural abnormalities, or other causes. Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic [toggle]
Portal hypertension
increased pressure in the portal vein, due to back up of blood flow as a result of the presence of cirrhosis [toggle]
a large fluid collection that forms in or around the pancreas as a result of inflammation due to pancreatitis [toggle]
enlarged veins located in the lower part of the esophagus or the stomach that are close to the surface. The veins become so large that that may burst, leading to life-threatening bleeding [toggle]