Chapter 23: Flashcards

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nutrients made up of hydrogen and oxygen (in the same proportions as in water) along with carbon. They include sugar, starch, and fi ber. The primary function of carbohydrate is to provide the most effi cient fuel (energy) for the cells. Carbohydrates provide approximately 3.4–4 kilocalories (Calories)/g [toggle]
a group of substances composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which includes fats, phospholipids, and cholesterol. The fats are considered to be nutrients. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, fats of all types are the most calorie-dense of the energy nutrients, supplying 9 kilocalories (Calories)/g [toggle]
a condition in which the body is not being provided the proper amounts of nutrients to sustain health. While this term is usually used for undernutrition (insuffi cient nutrients), it can also be applied to overnutrition, especially when excessive amounts of fat or calories are being consumed [toggle]
minerals are inorganic elements that are included in a variety of substances used for body processes. They come from the earth, soil, and water and are absorbed by plants. Animals and humans obtain minerals from the plants they eat [toggle]
specific substances found in food that performs one or more physiological or biochemical functions in the body that are necessary to sustain health. There are six classifications of nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and water [toggle]
provision of nutrients to the body in order to sustain its processes. Enteral nutrition is delivery of nutrients via the gastrointestinal tract. Parenteral nutrition is delivery of nutrients using the intravenous route of administration [toggle]
the essential building blocks of the body, they are substances composed of combined chains of amino acids. Dietary proteins are digested so that the body can recombine the amino acids to form human proteins. Nutritionally, they provide 4 kilocalories (Calories)/g [toggle]
Recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
the average daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of most healthy individuals [toggle]
vitamins are essential nutrients needed in small amounts that are necessary for a variety of biological processes, including growth, digestion, and nerve function. They must be obtained from external sources, as the body does not produce them [toggle]