Chapter 25a: Flashcards

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a condition in which red blood cell mass and hemoglobin are below normal, leading to clinical symptoms, including pallor, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and rapid heartbeat [toggle]
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
formation of a blood clot in the deep vessels carrying blood back to the heart. DVT mostly occurs in the veins of the legs but can also occur in the arms and other locations in the body [toggle]
a piece of a blood clot that has broken off and traveled via the bloodstream to a distant location in the body [toggle]
Endothelial damage
damage to the inner lining of the blood vessel wall (promotes clot formation) [toggle]
calculation of the percentage of blood volume that is occupied by red blood cells [toggle]
protein in red blood cells consisting of heme, globin, and iron that transports oxygen to tissues [toggle]
destruction of red blood cells [toggle]
a state in which the body forms blood clots more readily than considered normal [toggle]