Chapter 29b: Flashcards

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condition in which the function of the immune system is impaired or weakened as a result of illness (e.g., AIDS) or medications (immunosuppressives) [toggle]
an agent which weakens the natural responses of the immune system, either intentionally or as a side effect [toggle]
Postexposure prophylaxis
measures taken to prevent illness or infection caused by exposure of a nonimmune individual to a pathogen (diphtheria, hepatitis B) that can cause serious or fatal disease. This may include administration of immune sera/immunoglobulins [toggle]
an attack of the body’s immune system on living cells or tissues, which were transplanted or grafted for therapeutic reasons (when the patient’s own original organs or tissues have been damaged by illness or injury)[toggle]
Serum (plural is sera)
the liquid portion plasma (minus cells and clotting factors). An immune serum is a preparation from humans or animals (usually horses) that contains immunoglobulins/antitoxins and can be administered to confer passive immunity [toggle]
preparation of a killed or weakened pathogenic agent administered to produce immunity against those agents by stimulating production of specific antibodies against it [toggle]