Chapter 35: Flashcards

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medication that blocks the histamine receptor to stop allergic reactions and can help dry up nasal secretions [toggle]
medication that helps stop coughing [toggle]
medication that decreases nasal congestion by causing vasoconstriction [toggle]
medication that thins mucous secretions and allows for their removal, usually by coughing [toggle]
the voice box, connecting the throat to the trachea [toggle]
the part of the throat located at the back of the mouth and leads downward toward the esophagus and trachea [toggle]
Rebound congestion
congestion returning after use of nasal decongestants, usually after more than 3 days of use, where the congestion can no longer be effectively treated with nasal decongestants [toggle]
inflammation or irritation of the nasal tissues, usually causing a runny nose [toggle]
fungal infection which usually starts as a white, creamy lesion on the inner membranes of the cheeks [toggle]
drug delivery system, which allows for absorption in the mucous membranes of the mouth, usually held between the cheek and gum until dissolved [toggle]